Wednesday, November 29, 2017

HUMMINGBIRD Publishing & Arts Group Presents...

A One Day Workshop to learn Public Speaking skills and Speech writing. Hosted by Cerise Indigo Black, Author of Poetry for Multi-Coloured people. This one day event will give participants a chance to learn key skills and practice in dynamic, practical, interactive sessions:
 Public speaking for Sales, Marketing, Promotion and Business purposes, as well as for Celebrations, Hosting events, Media events and Public Relations, Interviews with press and Performance poetry etc.

Classes will initially take place in Kingston and will eventually incorporate sessions in other parts of Jamaica. Individual sessions are also available for booking. Please contact or for further details.

TT NEW book soon to be released!

  After the release of Poetry for Colour Therapy, using the pen name "Cerise Indigo Black"... her sophomore collection of Poems wa...